Palm Lake Care Residents' Stories
Dorothy has now been in Palm Lakes Care for a period of approximately 5 months and has settled in really well. I would like to thank the staff on Dorothy’s behalf for their caring, pleasant and friendly nature displayed at all times and i am sure this has contributed to Dorothy’s smooth transition into the aged care environment.
The only problem that was encounted was the comfort of Dorthy’s bed. This was due to the fact that she has problems with her hips which requires her to lie with one leg over a pillow which the provided bed did not allow.
As a result a new suitable bed was sort that was not only comfortable for Dorothy but met the Aged Care facility’s requirements. It was in this phase that both Karen McGurk and Francis the Physiotherapist were extremely helpful. They used their sources to facilitate a bed that not only met requirements but was acquired at a very reasonable price.
I would just like to thank both Karen and Francis for the commendable and exceptional work they both put in in acquiring the new bed. It is much appreciated. They are both an asset to your organization.
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