Palm Lake Care Residents' Stories
Peter and I would like to express our gratitude to PLC for its balanced approach to the processes needed to manage Covid-19 and keep all residents safe.
We are aware of the processes of other facilities and feel it is important to express our appreciation to PLC to be able to access our mums over seven days per week though for shorter times than in non-covid times.
We feel that PLC’s processes of temperature-taking and hand sensitising on entry and manning the office on weekends for this purpose has been extremely beneficial. Limiting visits to our mum’s rooms and each of us only visiting our mother is most satisfactory. We also considered the need for mum to be locked down for the first two weeks of her care to be most necessary for the safety of all.
It has also been wonderful to see the positive outlook of all staff through this difficult time, maintaining smiles and willingness to make life continue happily for all residents.
Please pass on our gratitude to all staff.
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