Senior Living Communities

Meet our 100 Club

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Marion Willmann, 102 years old

Have you any secrets to turning 100?

I was a good farm girl. I lived a healthy life and have good genes. I have always taken care of myself.

Do you have any advice to the younger generation so that they can live longer?

Live a good clean life. Don’t have too many wild nights. Take your parents’ advice and help whenever you can.

Ivy Somerfield, 100 years old

Have you any secrets to turning 100?

I am a good Beenleigh girl. I was bought up on a cane farm in Norwell and then, in the 1950s, we moved into Beenleigh. I worked very hard on the cane farm and I also worked very hard in my Beenleigh community for a very long time. I volunteered on the committee of the Pensioners League for 40 years and I also volunteered for Red Cross joining in 1983. I knitted hundreds of teddies. My husband and I also volunteered for Meals on Wheels for 25 years. I have won many awards for my volunteer work.

Do you have any advice to the younger generation so that they can live longer?

Work hard and help the community.

Delle Ward, 100 years old

Have you any secrets to turning 100?

I have no real secret to reaching 100. I lived in Childers on a cane farm so had a country upbringing. I also have family that lived to a ripe old age.

Do you have any advice to the younger generation so that they can live longer?

No real advice – just make sure you enjoy good, healthy living.

Ron Burgess, 101 years old

Have you any secrets to turning 100?

It was just good luck. I used to be a good sportsman and eat healthy. I always try to be kind to everyone.

Do you have any advice to the younger generation so that they can live longer?

Be kind and help others. Drink your milk and eat your veggies. Just be a nice person.